GM & Sons Safety

100% committed to workplace health & safety

Safety is our first priority. From executive leadership to crews on our job sites, each employee is dedicated to creating a hazard-free workplace and empowered to make their workplace safer. All employees have the right to expect safe working conditions and equipment. All employees are expected to report unsafe conditions, use protective gear and equipment, and recommend measures to improve safety.

The question of who is responsible for safety should have one answer: everyone. Safety is a team effort. Every GM & Sons employee is empowered to be a proactive safety leader by being involved, correcting hazards, and watching out for their fellow workers. With combined efforts, our safety policy and programs will continuously improve.

Proactive Safety Leadership

No accidents is no accident

We are committed to a ZERO ACCIDENTS PROGRAM for all jobs. All accidents are preventable and unacceptable. Safety will not be sacrificed for scheduling, cost, production, or any other component of the work process.

Our best practices include:

  • Designating a qualified safety coordinator
  • Conducting regular job site safety inspections
  • Enforcing the use of safety equipment
  • Enforcing safety procedures and rules
  • Providing ongoing safety training
  • Our safety manual: a comprehensive guide of best practices and company procedures
Rigorous Safety Review

Job Site Inspections

Each job site is inspected to observe potential health/safety hazards, and a plan is developed for safeguarding workers, which may include the following:
  • Removing hazards
  • Guarding against hazards
  • Providing personal protective equipment and enforcing its use
  • Training workers in safe work practices
  • Coordinating the protection of workers with other contractors